It’s argued that journalists must be impartial.
As a Cypriot journalist, I never shied away from taking
sides and making this clear.
Because my children should remember me not as someone who
stayed silent and impartial, but as someone who was on the side of those
struggling for peace.
Because in this country, where we have been obliged to
division, filled with with fear, hatred and nationalism, restrained in ethnic
identities and made to believe that half an island is bigger than a whole
Being impartial means being on the side of the status-quo.
As someone who always struggled for peace and unification in
Cyprus, I am supporting Niyazi Kizilyurek in the European Parliament elections.
Not because he is a Turkish Cypriot.
But because of the values he represents and the vision he

I am supporting Niyazi Kizilyurek because I believe that
every vote cast to him, is a vote cast at ONE Cyprus, a complete Cyprus with
all its ethnic identities, religions, and languages.
We have been taught that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots
cannot coexist, cannot have a common struggle, cannot dream of a common future.
We have been made to believe that our past is divided and
our futures are separate.
We have been forced to struggle against each other, rather
than together.
Those who tried to say and do the opposite were silenced,
intimidated, rejected.
NK has shown that everything they wanted us to believe until
now is a huge lie.
He has shown for the first time in the painful history of
Cyprus, that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots of different political backgrounds
can unite under a common vision and support the same candidate regardless of
He has shown that in this island full of ghosts and
prejudices, we can be together, we can dream the same dream, we can fight the
same fight.
In this island where we have been uprooted, divided and
scattered all over, Niyazi Kizilyurek has shown that the struggle is not
between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots but between those, who want to keep
this island divided and those who dream of a united Cyprus.
Niyazi Kizilyurek has shown that Cyprus can be ONE.
Niyazi Kızılyürek has shown that Cypriots can be ONE.
And you know what?
Niyazi Kizilyurek has won these elections even if he loses.
Because he has shown us our capacity to win together.
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