Friday, 14 April 2017

"Four freedoms" in a gist

Actually this is not anything new that has just been introduced on the table. Those against it started calling it four freedoms to make it seem like a new demand. This is the principle of equivalent/equitable treatment of Turkish and Greek nationals that is in the 1960 RoC constitution. It was also in the Annan Plan (most favored nation) in the agreements between Christofias and Talat as well as Anastasiades and Akinci. If applied, it will only be effective in Cyprus and not in the rest of the EU... Very briefly, Turkish Citizens will be able to visit the federal Cyprus with their passports (This is already the case with all the Greek islands and last time I checked the islands were not flooded with lowly Turks. When it comes to residence, the agreement is that there will be a proportion (to be agreed on) between the resident Turks and Greeks on the condition that this doesn't upset the demographic structure of the island. In terms of working here, the work permits will be given by a federal body so there should be no concern there. When it comes to products, the EU and thus Cypriot market is open to Turkish products from textiles to automotive as per customs union. And there is no restriction of the free flow of capital anyway...
The principle of most favored country is not novel to the EU and in line with values and principles (see Portugal's extension of such rights to Brazil)

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